Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finding Your Own Party Hat

Last Valentine's Day, I came up with a CafePress design that reads: "I love you 365.2425 days a year.  OK?"  I made it in honor of my wonderful, loving engineer husband, who gripes that he doesn't want to be told by some card company when to tell me he loves me.

Fair enough.

This morning, I was prompted by a friend's use of the phrase "small still voice" to go looking for a Bob Franke song that I adore, called "A Still, Small Voice".  It is a song he wrote in honor of Martin Luther King -- and because it isn't Martin Luther King Day, I almost resisted the urge to post it.

Then I listened to it again.  And I decided to travel with the song and my voice today, and celebrate Martin Luther King Day.  Just because.

I set about discovering what Martin Luther King might have done on this day.  I discovered that DreamWorks is making a biopic.  A story is published today on: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=55676

And thirty years ago May 17, H.R.1385 was passed "To make permanent the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission".

Most significantly, though, on May 19, 1963, The New York Post Sunday Magazine published (without King's authority) excerpts from King's now famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail".

So, today, I chose to create my own holiday, in honor of a man who had the courage to risk everything, to create the future he had envisioned.

What would you create if you followed your own "still small voice"?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Full text of "the letter" can be read at: