Friday, January 09, 2009

The Fastest Way to Finish A Project

The fastest way to get something done on Project A is to put a stake in the ground on Project B.  By declaring an intent to deliver A, you will terrify yourself, and start procrastinating.  It is a certainty that if you keep another project on the back-burner, it will pop up into the foreground as something meaningful and necessary which must be done to clear the decks for an appropriate assault on Project A.

As proof, I offer this humble blog.  

I started it with the intention of writing something short, sweet and useful, every day.  After merely three posts ( over 540 days. 3000+ working hours. ) I:
  • Designed and managed the building of a Georgian style entryway.
  • Designed and managed the installation of a 1/2 acre landscape.
  • Went back to school to formally study landscape design.
  • Wrote two new songs, and a few poems.
  • Produced 37 watercolor paintings.  (new media for me!)
  • Took more than 4000 photographs.
  • Designed and managed the renovation of a residential bath.
  • Designed one other residential and one commercial landscape.
  • Produced 17 encaustic paintings.  (another new media!)
  • Produced two large-scale digital works.
  • Wrote the first draft of a book, and organized the photography.
  • Took up 5-string electric-acoustic bass.
  • Came up with a new furniture design to start prototyping.
  • Got my Nia white belt.
I thought I'd try again with the blog.  If I disappear again, you'll know it worked!
What are you creating in your life?

1 comment:

Dezur said...

Ah, you do speak the truth, madame. So, off to focus on Project B and finally get something done...